Digital Agency Accuses Vodafone Egypt of Plagiarism
Vodafone Egypt allegedly copied a health awareness Facebook post from GEhealthyme, said a digital agency early this month.
“We found that Vodafone Egypt are copy-pasting the same content on their facebook page. Someone is stealing our content!,” wrote the Egypt-based digital agency BSocial on their Facebook page.
The mobile operator “vodafone” published a branded health awareness post on its Facebook page early this month, which BSocial claims was published two months before on their client’s page–General Electric Healthy Me.
“We’ve spent hours creating this post for GEhealthyme and our fans really loved it,” says BSocial, adding “This post brought in almost 1500 Likes, Comments & Shares organically. But what happened next is not cool.”
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own. This act is not only unethical but may damage your brand, image and reputation.