
In From The Cold Stars Shining on Instagram

Dazzling, extraordinary, and different are the words we will use to describe “In from the cold ” Netflix new action, crime, drama show.

Aired on Netflix 28th Jan 2022, the series exposed as an ex-Russian spy, an American single mom, must juggle family life and unique shape-shifting skills in a battle against an insidious enemy.

A single mother’s life in suburban New Jersey is turned upside down when the CIA arrests her and forces her to make a choice: confront her long-buried past as a highly trained, bio-engineered Russian agent, and become an asset against Russia’s underworld drug trade, and shadow war on U.S. elections or put her family and the new life she has built at risk.

Now, if you can’t get enough of the cast of the series and you’d like to get to know them better, we’ve rounded up the Instagram accounts of all the show’s stars; let’s start with:

1. Margarita Levieva

Playing the role of Jenny Franklin (spy-turned-mom-turned-spy Jenny) describing herself as an Immigrant, saying: “I came here dancing & that’s exactly how I plan to leave.” You can follow her: @margaritalevieva.

2. Cillian O’Sullivan

Cillian plays rogue CIA agent Chauncey, describing himself as a Professional actor and mischief encourager on Instagram. It shows in his account how much he loves his dog, and he shows his affection toward his Grandmom, who passed away on January 31st, 2022 describing her as “the last great Irish mammy.”

You can follow him: @cillianosully

3. Lydia Fleming

Lydia plays Jenny’s daughter Becca. This is her first onscreen role, though she appeared onstage in many school plays.

Described herself as a northerner, daft & dangerously clumsy on Instagram.

You can follow her: @lydiaf95

4. Charles Brice

Charles plays CIA hacker Chris. Showing on Instagram his passion for Rowing and cycling.

You can follow him: @charlesjbrice.

5. Stasya Miloslavskaya

Stasya plays Anya (aka young Jenny).

You can follow her: @milostasii 

6. Alyona Khmelnitskaya

Alyona plays Svetlana, Jenny’s mother and former handler.

You can follow her: @alxmel

7. Lola Mae Loughran

Lola plays Becca’s friend, Maddie, describing herself as actress/Gemini/tea drinker with a comment on the description: “Cause when you’re young and bored and 24”.

You can follow her: @lolamaebeatricehrh

8. Amanda Bright

Amanda plays Maddie’s mom and Jenny’s friend Ladonna; also, she’s a director, writer, and audiobook narrator.

You can follow her: @amandabrightactor

9. Jose Luis Garcia Perez

José plays nightclub owner and murderer Felipe; he describes himself on Instagram as “Actor when they let me. I also produce theater when I let myself… GARCÍA-PÉREZ.

You can follow him: @joseluisgarcia_perez

10. Anastasia Martin

Anastasia plays Anya’s girlfriend (and eventual victim), Faina; quote, “Great things take time; that is why seeds persevere through rocks and dirt to bloom.”Matshona Dhliwayo

You can follow her: @anastasiamartin11

11. Jeremy Ang Jones

Jeremy plays SuYin, the son of a Chinese ambassador, describing himself on Instagram as Actor. Asian. Adventurer.

You can follow him: @jeremyangjones

12. Anna Jobarteh

Anna plays Claire, a teammate and rival of Becca’s.

You can follow her: @annajobarteh