Avoid Social Vomit; Says Leo Burnett’s Social Media Director
Says Ahmed Adly, Social Media Director at Leo Burnett

Ahmed Adly, Social Media Director at Leo Burnett, is one of the keynote speakers at the Marketing Kingdom Cairo, Egypt’s first-ever international marketing event, taking place from 25-26 October 2015 InterContinental Citystars Hotel in Cairo.
Ahmed is speaking on Day Two of the event on “The Rise Of Influencers,” a topic becoming increasingly important and provocative in today’s social media world.
We recently sat down with him and asked him to give us his 5 tips for marketers in today’s ever-changing marketing world.
Avoid Social Vomit
Do not talk to your audience, but rather talk with them and remember that it’s not about you; it’s about them.
Always assume people are not waiting for your brand message.
So when your message interrupts their day and appears on their feeds, it better be worth it (Informative. rewarding. entertaining. relatable)
Nothing is more effective than using the right influencer
For the right product; people listen to other people; the digital space is now running on crowdsourced decisions (people ask other people for their opinions on the smallest matters and the biggest)
Reward your brand advocates
Those who talk positively about your brand without compensation and on their own accord are your most valuable assets. the number 1 driver of social activities is validation; in fact, that’s what the entire social ecosystem is built on (Likes, RTs, Hearts, favorites. etc.)
The best model of influencer strategy is built on mutual benefit.
The most effective compensation for an influencer is not money, but experience (Travel, exclusive access to products/services/events, etc.) elevates them in their social status, and they will elevate your brand.
To meet Ahmed and 15 other marketing gurus from Twitter, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Shazam, and Coca-Cola, visit the Marketing Kingdom Cairo’s official website.
See you there!