3 SEO tips to boost your local business on Google

You probably already know that search engines are powerful tools for connecting potential customers with businesses. But did you know that they can prioritise your business in the search results if a searcher is nearby or wants options in your geographic area?
Following these steps can help search engines understand if your business is local:
Add location details to your website, Start with the basics, and make sure your website includes information like your business name, your business address or your service area, if you meet with customers at their location, your phone number and your working hours.
To put your business information on Google Maps use Google Business
Add relevant Content, Continually add quality content that’s relevant to your audience and highlights the location of your business.Remember, the role of a search engine is to provide the right result, at the right time and in the right Place for the searcher. In order to do this, search engines may use the proximity of the searcher to your business, or the geographic area they type in as part of their search.
Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, If your website can be found in the mobile search results it can be an important way to connect with customers, so make sure that you’ve got a mobile friendly, quick loading website that search engines can understand and visitors love.