
Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Ads Manager Go Down

The Facebook Family “WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, Ads Manager, Workplace and Facebook” have all gone down in a major outage globally.

Facebook app run on shared infrastructure – all completely stopped working before 7:30 pm GMT+3 time. Other products that are part of the same family of apps, such as Facebook Workplace, Facebook Marketplace, and Facebook Business Suite including Ads Manager also stopped working.

Users experience an error page or a message that “this site can’t be reached”.

Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Workplace, and Whatsapp released statements shortly after on the official Facebook Twitter page.

“Instagram and friends are having a little bit of a hard time right now, and you may be having issues using them,” it wrote on its communications page. “Bear with us, we’re on it!”

And WhatsApp also updated users through its official Twitter account.

“We’re aware that some people are experiencing issues with WhatsApp at the moment. We’re working to get things back to normal and will send an update here as soon as possible,” it said.

Will keep you posted with updates.