Weekly Digest: iPhone, fb Messenger hit 1B, Twitter wins top live streaming deals, more

Historical week for Apple and Facebook as both hit the 1B milestone for iPhone and Messenger – Twitter looks unstoppable when it comes to living streaming as the microblog signed a new deal to stream the English Premier League, Konami has signed a new deal with FC Barcelona for PES17, Cortana is now on Xbox, and a piece of good news for Instagrammers, a new feature to filter comments on its way, and finally, Linkedin buys pointdrive to boost social selling, let’s read in details:
1. Apple celebrates one billion iPhones:
Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that Apple has recently sold the billionth iPhone.
iPhone is not only the best-selling mobile phone ever but also the best-selling music player, best-selling camera, best-selling video screen, and the best-selling computer of all time. It is, quite simply, the best-selling product of all time.
photo credit: Apple
Cook said: “iPhone has become one of the most important, world-changing and successful products in history. It’s become more than a constant companion. iPhone is truly an essential part of our daily life and enables much of what we do throughout the day,” said Cook. “Last week, we passed another major milestone when we sold the billionth iPhone. We never set out to make the most, but we’ve always made the best products that make a difference. Thank you to everyone at Apple for helping change the world every day.”
The best-selling products in a range of categories are:
Car model: VW Beetle 21.5 million
Car brand: Toyota Corolla 43 million
Music Album: Thriller 70 million
Vehicle: Honda Super Cub 87 million
Book Title: Lord of the Rings 150 million
Toy: Rubik’s Cube 350 million
Game console: Playstation 382 million
Book series: Harry Potter Series 450 million
Mobile Phone: iPhone 1 billion
2. Messenger joins Facebook’s flagship +1B users apps:
Facebook Messenger now has more than 1 billion monthly users, which Facebook announced last Wednesday, which means that more than 60 percent of Facebook’s users communicate with the app.
infographic credit: Facebook
Also, Facebook counts more than 1.71 billion monthly active users.
3. Twitter wins ‘England Premier League’ live streaming content deal:
Twitter has signed a new deal with Sky Sports to show Premier League football videos this upcoming season. The new deal with Sky Sports will let Twitter stream Premier League highlights and goals.
4. Konami signs ‘PES’ partnership deal with FC Barcelona:
Konami has announced a three-year partnership with FC Barcelona.
PES 2017 president said: “By working closely with a team of Barcelona’s stature, we can introduce the PES series to a huge global fan base.”
FC Barcelona’s vice president of Marketing and Communications said: “We are delighted to have signed this agreement with Konami, who is now an official Premium Partner of the Club.”
5. Cortana arrives on Xbox One:
Microsoft announced the release of the Xbox Summer Update for the Xbox One. The new release brought Microsoft’s Cortana voice assistant to all Xbox One systems in the U.S. and the U.K.
Also, Xbox users will play music in the background while they’re playing a game.
6. Instagram, a new feature that will let you avoid all bad words or Harassment:
According to The Washington Post, Instagram will soon roll out a feature that lets all users filter put words or phrases they find offensive in comment streams. Users can also opt not to allow comments on posts at all.
BONUS: 10 Instagram Hacks That ACTUALLY Work!
7. LinkedIn acquired Pointdrive:
Credit: Linkedin newsroom
Linkedin announced in a press release the acquisition of PointDrive to drive social selling efforts forward.
PointDrive is a sales presentation tools provider.
The deal’s financial terms were not disclosed, but most of the PointDrive team will be joining LinkedIn’s engineering, product, and sales teams.
Pointdrive Founder & CEO said: Our vision of differentiated buyer engagement is a natural extension to LinkedIn’s Sales Solutions goal to connect the world’s buyers and sellers to build relationships. I couldn’t imagine a better partner to carry forward our concept to a global audience.
See you next Sunday.