
You don't need Gym, you need Instagram

Waking up so early to go train is sometimes a hassle and a pain in the neck for a lot of people. Not only this, but also not everyone can afford going to the gym. So, to save you all the trouble, here are some of the most successful fitness accounts on Instagram who offer you guide to exercises at home.

Home Exercises (@Home.Exercises)
With 1.1 million follower, the account posts fitness exercises that you can practice at your home using very simple helping tools like your sofa, or the dining table chair. It also features moms training with their babies, which is a golden thing for moms who cannot make it to the gym.

Home Squats (@Home_squats)
This account is created by a woman who is a mother of five kids. She posts regularly videos for home exercises that helps women change their physique into a fit one.

Quick Fit Work Outs (@Quickfitworkouts)
This pages posts also exercises you can do inside your home, or in your garden if you have one. It also features exercises you can do with your friends or family not all by yourself which makes it even more fun to do.

Fit Girl Videos 🎥(@Fitgirlvideos)
A page dedicated to women fitness using simple gym materials you can buy from any sports store. They also share videos posted under their hashtag #FitGirlVideos so everyone can benefit from multiple body exercises.

How To Get Abs (@Howtogetabs)
If you worry about you fat belly, follow this account. Howtogetabs offers a wide range of abs exercises you can do both at home and at the gym. It also posts motivational tips to push you forward to endure the pain so you can get the flat stomach every one dreams of.