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Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights [Guide]



Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights [Guide]

You’ve probably heard fellow marketeers tell you before that developing your marketing digital persona (Also referred to as user persona, customer persona, or buyer persona) is the first and most important thing you have to do before you begin marketing a product or a service, and I’m sure you’ve even given it a try, only to realize that it’s not as easy as you thought it would be.

If you read about the process, you’ll either go through articles vaguely explaining the process, or articles telling you to send out surveys, build focus groups, and call/email your customers, but those somewhat traditional methods don’t always work out.

Some customers are too busy to answer an email or fill out a survey, some simply don’t care enough about your business to do so, some are embarrassed to answer certain questions or could answer them dishonestly.

Luckily however, if you have a digital business, you already have access to a wealth of data that you can use.

But, before we start, let’s answer the following:

  1. What’s my persona’s name? How do they look like? How old are they? Are they male or female? Where do they live? What’s their relationship status?
  2. Is my persona a business owner, a student, or an employee? If it’s the latter, what do they do for a living? What are their seniority level within his company?
  3. What’s important for my persona? What motivates them to buy products/services? What are their goals in life? And what’s stopping them from achieving those goals?
  4. What are the best marketing channels to engage them? What tone of voice should be used with them?
10 Steps to Creating a Social Media Marketing Strategy

User Persona

This step by step guide will use a combination of Google Analytics and Facebook Insights. If you’ve got the time and want to go further, you can always source more data from tools like Twitter Analytics, Facebook Page Analytics, Adwords Remarketing lists, Google Search Console, or any other analytical tool you might be using.

Step 1: Set up Google Analytics, and let it run for a month

If you don’t have Google Analytics set up yet, you won’t be able to get any value out of this guide. Go set it up, test that it works fine and that it’s collecting data properly. If you’ve already went through this, skip to step 2, if not, read on.

Head on over to Google Analytics, register for an account, and follow the sign up procedure, you’ll be required to provide your business name, URL, timezone, business category, and answer a bunch of other questions.

You’ll then be required to prove to Google Analytics that this is, in fact, your website, there are a number of ways you can verify this, if you have Google Tag Manager set up, you’ll be able to do this without having to play around your website’s code, otherwise, you’ll be required to copy/paste GA’s tracking code that’s provided to you, into each and every page header on your website. You might need to get the help of your webmaster here.

Once the above is done, your Google Analytics will come to life. Make sure you set up your Google Analytics goals now, you can find those under Admin> Goals> New Goals.

Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights

Google Analytics Goal Setup

You might want to spend a bit of time here figuring out what your goals are.

For instance, if you’re the owner of a content website, you might want to track users who spend 2+ minutes of time on a specific content piece, or track email newsletter sign ups, but if you’re an eCommerce platform, tracking purchases/checkouts is probably your number one priority.Another thing we need to check, is whether we are collecting demographic data or not, this is disabled by default, so if you haven’t already, you need to enable it by going to Admin> Property> Property Settings, and then checking ‘Enable Demographics and Interest Reports.

Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights

How to enable Google Analytics Demographics Tracking

Step 2: Begin user segmentation on Google Analytics

Now it’s time to break down your audience into its most obvious and common denominators; age groups, gender, and country traffic is generated in. We’ll then look into who’s a customer and who isn’t, and the behavior of each group on our website.

To start, on Google Analytics, go to Reporting> Audience> Demographics> Age, then pick “Gender” as your secondary dimension. You should be seeing a 12 row table (6 Female & 6 Male) for different age groups (18–24, 25-34, 35–44, 45–54, 55–64, & 65+).

On the same table, you’ll find many columns for Acquisition, Behavior, & Conversions. Keep what you need and what’s important to you, then export the entire thing into Excel or Google Sheets to be able to properly examine the numbers.

Ensure that you have data for all the goals that you’ve set up and not just the default goal or the ‘All Goals’ tab. If it’s important enough for you to have it as a goal, then you’d want to look at the persona most actively accomplishing this goal.

Also, ensure that the duration set for data collection is long enough to avoid being deceived by trendy or unusual activities on your website, I usually look at a 90 day duration when developing personas, however, if you’ve had a major change on your website that would change results one way or another, you should wait until those changes are out of the scope of your duration.

Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights

Google Analytics

Look at your exported table, remove and add data columns as you see fit. Then take a long and hard look at your numbers and try to understand them, then figure out what segments you’d want to study further.

Now say you have an eCommerce platform that sells glasses in Jordan, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia, you would need three of the above mentioned tables for each country. Finally, you should end up with broad groups/segments such as “Male users browsing my website in Saudi Arabia, between the ages of 18 and 24”.

Let me point as well that the above is not set in stone, you might want to segment your audience differently, if your website is new and you’re not getting enough traffic, you’ll probably end up with broader groups, and if you’re managing a high traffic website, you might want to go with even tighter segments. Do what YOU see is best for your business!

Step 3: Build a segment out of each group above, and look into it further

Go to user segments (Default is ‘All Users’), and create custom segments for the ones you want to study, fill out the age group, language, gender, and location.

Look at what you have now, and try to put yourself in the shoes of each one of those groups (In fact, go a mile in their shoes, take your time here), try to understand their behavior. Go through the entire navigation menu on Analytics left side, do a content drill down, and try to gather as much information as possible. Keep track of everything, take notes, you’ll need them soon enough.

Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights

Demographics on Google Analytics

Now, does one group of users come too often to your website, with a pageviews per session and time on site higher than average, yet, lower conversion? Well, they could be more interested in your blog content than they are in buying from you, or might be leaving because your products are too expensive, or perhaps they’re confused by your checkout process. Do the above over and over again, focus and look at everything, and redo this for every group of users you want to build a persona for.

Pro Tip: If you can’t make sense of their behavior, you might want to consider installing a mouse tracking software to watch in real time what they’re doing on website, you might find usability issues that you did not know about.

You should be able by now, to expand on your description of the group from step 2, you’ll have something like “Male users visiting my website, from Saudi Arabia, between the ages of 18 and 24, + Mostly speaking one language, and mostly come through mobile devices (70% of which come through Android devices with Android 4.0 or older), use the search functionality on my website often to land into products, and don’t checkout as often as other groups”.

What does this mean? Perhaps they’re middle class, young, male users with a moderate degree of education, who are after a specific product (Hence, the search functionality), and do not seem to be able to checkout. Perhaps the price is too high for them, perhaps they don’t have access to a credit card being relatively young, or maybe they’re still in the consideration phase and are doing their research to see which platform offers the best price.

Step 4: Look up the above segments on Facebook Insights

You’re almost there. With the above, you already understand where those groups of people who buy (Or use your service) are from, how old they are, how much do they spend on our products usually, and how do they behave on our website. But, who are they really? Are they sports fans, do they follow technology? If they are, are they Apple fans or Microsoft fans? Are they rockers or hip hop fans? Do they tend to use Facebook heavily?

All of the above can be understood through Facebook Insights, even if you don’t have access to your page, or if you don’t have a page to begin with. You get to fill the information you got from step 3 into Facebook insights and learn about your persona’s lifestyle, income range, job titles, pages they like, and much more.

Develop User Persona Using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights

Facebook insights

Take all of this, add it to the information you already know, and you’re there! You’ll have enough information to be able to build a persona.

Now comes the fun part, give your persona a name and a bit of character, print out all of your personas and attach them to the wall in front of your office, you’ll find yourself looking at them more and more whenever you’re about to make a marketing decisions.

I understand that the above is by no means conclusive, it only accounts for your current users/customers and not your potential ones.

And just like life, if you put people into boxes, you’ll lose track of the small boxes, those may be your biggest fans and advocates but are not big enough of a group to be considered, but we have to start somewhere, and this approach will give you a close enough idea on who your personas are.

Let me know if there’s anything you’d add to this approach.


5 Best URL Shortener Services in 2024 [Free & Paid]



The 5 Best URL Shorteners 2020

A URL Shortener is a technique in which a URL may be made shorter and still redirect to the original long page.

Most URL Shorteners are free and easy to use but come with limitations.

Google shut down its Google URL Shortener in 2018 with continued support until March 30, 2019. However, all existing links will continue to redirect to the intended destination.

Top URL Shortener Services on the Internet


Bitly offers a free and enterprise version of its URL shortening service. No signup necessary, but creating an account allows you to manage links quickly and change the short link characters if you wish.

According to this Quora answer, the enterprise version of Bitly costs around $995/month.

Pro Tip: add + after the short link to access analytics of any bitly link.

2. TinyURL

A simple shortener that requires no sign-up and allows users to customize the keyword. The service is free to use, but there is no analytics.


The best shorten link provider so far, it has so many useful features such as google analytics integration, bulk import, broken links detection, built-in analytics with so many details, link cloaking, and more.

Cost: affordable compared to similar solutions.

4. Rebrandly 

Rebrandly is one of the popular URL shortener services in the market. It’s the most complete and reliable link management platform. Their solution provides the easiest way to create, measure, and manage short URLs with a custom domain name.

You can buy your domain name using Rebrandly, tag your URLs using UTM tagging, allow social media pixels to optimize for conversions, and more.

It’s expensive compared to other solutions.

5. is a new URL shortener service that offers the same as rebrandly but for free. It was launched last year when service was blocked in Egypt.

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How to include current URL in a Webflow form?



How to include current URL in a Webflow form?

In the course of my professional endeavors, I consistently inquire about the origins of information, the methods by which our audience discovers us, and the roots of potential leads. These inquiries, among others, are integral to unraveling the complexities of the marketing funnel.

A commonplace challenge encountered by numerous marketers on a daily basis revolves around a pivotal question: which blog post proves most effective in generating leads and conversions?

If you have a blog on Webflow that includes a lead gen form or a newsletter form in all blog posts, when you receive an email from one of the forms – of course, you have to find out the URL of the respective page. This way, you can detect the top converting posts.

I’ve been searching for a solution here and there and finally found it. So, I thought to share it here.

How to automatically include the current URL in the webflow form?

  1. Add an embed code before the submit button of your lead generation form or any other form type – make it hidden, and insert the following code into it then save.
  2. The javascript code you need to make this work:
<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function() 
{document.getElementById('pageurl').value = window.location.href;} </script> 
<input type="hidden" id="pageurl" name="pageurl" value="pageurl" />

3. Once published, any new form submission will have a new column called “pageurl” so you can detect the source page of this submission.

Follow us for more Webflow hacks.


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Google’s E-E-A-T Principle Explained for SEO Success



Demystifying Google's E-A-T Principle for SEO Success

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. One essential factor that often flies under the radar is Google’s E-A-T principle, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This principle, now upgraded to E-E-A-T to include Experience, plays a pivotal role in enhancing website credibility and user experience.

In this article, we’ll delve into how understanding and implementing E-E-A-T can significantly influence your search engine rankings.

Unearthing the Essence of Google E-E-A-T

E-E-A-T is an acronym that encapsulates the qualities Google values when assessing the quality of online content. While it might not be explicitly mentioned in Google’s 200 known ranking factors, it holds undeniable significance in the eyes of quality raters and SEO professionals alike.

Expertise: Mastering Your Domain

Expertise is the cornerstone of E-E-A-T. It revolves around showcasing your in-depth knowledge and proficiency in your niche. To demonstrate your expertise effectively, consider these strategies:

1. Comprehensive Subject Mastery: Your content should reflect a deep understanding of your subject matter, leaving no room for ambiguity.

2. Credentials and Qualifications: Display relevant qualifications and credentials to bolster your credibility.

3. Proven Track Record: Highlight your past accomplishments and successes, as they can instill trust in your audience.

4. Research and Data: Stay updated with the latest research and trends in your field and back your content with accurate data.

5. Niche Specialization: Focus on a specific niche to establish yourself as an expert in that area.

6. Active Contribution: Contribute to your field by publishing content, and research papers, speaking at relevant events, or joining professional organizations.

Experience: Real-World Application Matters

Experience complements expertise by emphasizing practical, real-world application. To convey your experience effectively, consider these tactics:

1. Practical Application: Apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios and showcase your problem-solving skills.

2. Case Studies: Present real-world examples and results to illustrate your expertise in action.

3. Success Stories: Share stories of achievements or satisfied clients to instill confidence in your abilities.

4. Portfolio Display: For creative fields, such as design, art, or writing, showcase your previous work to demonstrate your experience.

5. Knowledge Demonstration: Stay updated with industry best practices, trends, and new developments, and share your insights through blog posts, articles, or speaking engagements.

6. Customer Testimonials: Positive testimonials from satisfied customers provide social proof of your expertise.

Authoritativeness: Building a Trustworthy Reputation

Authoritativeness centers on establishing your website as a reliable source of information within your niche. To enhance your authoritativeness, consider the following strategies:

1. Backlinks and Citations: Earn backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry, a strong signal of your website’s trustworthiness.

2. Awards and Recognition: Credible recognition, such as awards and certifications, contributes to your reputation.

3. Thought Leadership: Demonstrate authority through original research or innovative ideas, and engage in industry discussions.

4. Collaboration with Experts: Collaborate with recognized experts in your field through co-authored articles or speaking engagements.

5. Strong Social Media Presence: Engage with your audience on social media platforms to establish yourself as an authoritative figure.

6. Consistent, Relevant Content: Create high-quality content consistently to build credibility with users and search engines.

Trustworthiness: The Bedrock of Credibility

Trustworthiness is the final piece of the E-E-A-T puzzle, focusing on the credibility of your website’s information. To foster trustworthiness, adhere to these guidelines:

1. Transparency: Be transparent about your brand, contact details, business operations, and the purpose of your content.

2. Provide Accurate Information: Ensure your content is factually correct and up-to-date, and avoid misleading practices.

3. Ethical Practices: Follow ethical guidelines, respect user privacy, handle sensitive data responsibly, and comply with relevant laws.

4. User Experience and Security: Create a positive user experience and prioritize website security with HTTPS connections.

5. Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Genuine testimonials from satisfied customers bolster your website’s trustworthiness.

6. Customer Support: Offer prompt and helpful customer support to engage with your audience effectively.

7. Disclosure of Affiliations: Clearly disclose any affiliations or sponsorships that might impact your content.

While Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines may not explicitly mention E-E-A-T, adhering to these principles can significantly improve your website’s credibility and user experience. Remember, achieving higher SERP rankings requires a holistic approach, and understanding and implementing E-E-A-T is a valuable piece of the puzzle.

If you need expert guidance, consider enlisting the support of professional SEO services to help you navigate this ever-changing landscape.

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