Kan Ya Makan: empowering young people for community change

Akhbarak.net, Think Tank Egypt, Kan Ya Makan Project, Waseela in collaboration with the British Council Egypt launched a new campaign called “Kan Ya MaKan” in order to empower Egyptian young people to participate in making the overall politics and make a community change.
The project aims to build young people’s capabilities in politics analyzing and how to write an effective proposition, also introduce their ideas, suggestions and recommendations to media and decision makers to be taken into consideration. The project is formed in five episodes online.
First Episode: Slums
Over 40% of Egyptians live in slums, Cairo and Giza have four of the most biggest slums in the world – “Kan Ya Makan” project analyzed the problem and offered a paper with ideas, suggestions and revolutionary solutions to the slums problem in Egypt. Watch the episode to learn more.
Second Episode: Solid Waste
Egyptian society suffers he proliferation of solid waste; where the volume is 47K tons per day, and the cost of removing this garbage is estimated EGP 500 million annually.
Hence, “Kan Ya Makan” issued a paper addressing the solid waste problem offering alternatives and proposals which could lead to resolving the problem. Episode will be published on akhbarak.net facebook page on June 8, 2016, 10 pm.
Third Episode: Education
The Egyptian constitution allocated at less 4% of the government budget for education; which isn’t enough to improve the quality of education, over teachers salaries, nor increase number of schools.
The proposed paper of policies introduces a way forward plan for the development of education – with a focus on the primary education. Episode will be published on akhbarak.net facebook page on June 15, 2016 at 10 pm.
Fourth Episode: Solar Power
In 2008, electricity grid transmission reached a usage of 197.38 MW and to 257.7 MW in 2012. However, Egypt has around 2000 to 3200 hours of sun per year, which means that, if exploited, it should produce a minimum 2.8% of our electricity.
The proposed paper discusses alternatives and better ways of utilizing solar power in Egypt. Episode will be published on akhbarak.net on June 22, 2016, at 10 PM.
Fifth Episode: Blood Banks
One out of every three hospitalized needs a blood transfusion. Reports say that Egypt needs three million blood bags per year, while 800K bags only are available per year. Which represents one-third of our actual needs. The proposed paper discusses blood banks policies in case of blood shortage, and offers a number of alternatives to solve that problem. Episode will be published on akhbarak.net facebook page on June 29, 2016 at 10 PM.
Akhbarak.net has adapted the community change initiatives to be part of its corporate social responsibility, follows Bent-B100 campaign last February.