Link Development Digitalizes Madaar Development Operations In Egypt

Egypt’s leading real-estate company, Madaar Development has started digitalizing its operations using a real estate solution known as Microsoft Dynamics 365 which is developed and customized by Link Development, an A15 technology solutions provider.

This move is no doubt a prove that effects of technology are being felt in all sectors of the economy.

One of the sectors that is embracing the use of advanced technology is the real estate. This can be proven by the high rate at which real estate companies are using software to streamline their operations.

The main reason that compelled Madaar Development to incorporate this solution from Link Development into their daily operations is the need to lay proper grounds for digital productivity.

Since the company is growing at a fast rate, it saw the need to streamline its operations when dealing with both the residential and commercial properties.

The digitization also matches with the company’s values which are to encourage innovation and provide an excellent experience. The transformation will also separate it from its competitors in the real estate industry.

How digitalizing operations can help Madaar Development?  

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 from Link Dev is a cloud-based solution that can be used to streamline both the internal and external operations of this fast-growing real estate company. Here are few advantages of the move:

  • One key area that the solution will make an impact is the customer relationship. It ensures that customers can communicate directly with the company and get quick responses.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 empowers customer care with advanced tools that they can use to have a better understanding of their customers. By knowing them, the company will be in a good position to provide better services.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 also helps with the internal planning and organization of the company, as Madaar Development can use this CRM in the management of its resources, finances and even inventory.

Hossam El Shaeer, Chief Executive Officer, “Madaar”, said: “To compete in such a tough real-estate scene, Madaar Development, now a digitally-native enterprise, has solid grounds to grow faster and stronger across Egypt. Link Development is a digital partner who understands the modern real-estate business and how digital can serve the industry’s needs. We are happy with the engagement and results!”

Fadi Antaki, Chief Executive Officer, “Link Development”, said: “Madaar Development’s forward-thinking digital approach is extremely inspiring. We are proud to have helped the innovative real-estate developer in elevating the digital productivity of their real-estate business. With outcomes such as better workforce performance, operational excellence and customer satisfaction, we are happy with the digital partnership and looking forward for more success.”

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