Chipsy Egypt Manipulates Disgruntled Customer Using Mortada Mansour’s Meme

chips-egypt-on-social-media, mortada mansour

We’ve all seen it happen, but we rarely see a brand does it so well in Egypt.

Chipsy Egypt got a particularly disgruntled user, their agency OMD handled it like a boss.

It all started when Chipsy Egypt posted a photo with four models sitting inside a car to promote Chipsy’s latest “25% extra” offer, and a Facebook user deliberately decided to cause Chipsy some trouble with a comment phishing for likes and attention but the page’s community manager had other plans for him and turned it all into his favor.

How? Here’s what’s happened

Photo: Facebook

And fans reacted as Chipsy planned

Photo: Facebook

We’ve all recently seen Mortada Mansour’s memes floating all over Facebook, but Chipsy Egypt’s Facebook page community manager has taken Mortada’s Meme to a higher level.