Gloria Ceramic proves social media can empower brands

gloria ceramic, brand reputation, social media branding, social media marketing, social media in egypt, social media, proactive

How many often talk the social media talk on behalf of their brands/companies versus who actually walk the social media walk to improve the brand awareness, loyalty and sales?
Gloria Ceramic’s exceptional decision to produce 2016 collection before its time just because of a comment on Facebook, gives us a glimpse on how social media can empower brands with minimum marketing efforts.
It all started when a customer “Yassmin Sakr” left a comment on Facebook saying that “she went to Gloria Ceramic showroom to choose designs for her new house, however some of the chosen designs are from the new 2016 collection and will be released early next year, but she only has 2 weeks before she gets married.

First respond

The company responded traditionally stating that the new collection will be released between Jan and Feb 2016 with a decent apology. That’s ok! No problem

“Because social media is beyond traditional customer service”

Second respond 

In what appears to be an internal follow-up to the customer feedback. After 22 hours from the first reply, the company published the second reply asking Yassmin “the customer” to send her mobile number in a private message.

How costly this decision?

Next day, Gloria Ceramic replied to the thread confirming that they will exceptionally produce the chosen designs from the 2016 collection, alongside with a letter from the CEO wishing her a happy marriage. How cool is that?

The positive dialog continues


  • Traditional customer service is ok, but don’t expect exceptional results (you’re there to just be there, nothing important)
  • Executive management members have to listen well to social media daily status report in order to make the right decisions if needed
  • Empower your social media team to take the lead and decide for your brand (requires an excellent sync)
  • Good brand reputation brings sales

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