Netflix updates logo animation that runs before all original shows

The streaming video service Netflix is adding an enhanced animated logo for every original show it produces. Starting today, the company will begin rolling out a short clip that features the familiar red “N” which then appears to zoom the viewer through the letter to reveal several colored beams.

The sound will remain the same.

Netflix’s new logo animation 2019

In a blog post explaining the move, the company said changes reflect the increased “diversity and variety of our content.”

“Our favorite part is when the Netflix symbol breaks out into an array of colors, inspired by the spectrum of stories, emotions, languages, fans, and creators that collectively makeup who we are as a brand.”

The former ident was introduced nearly five years ago when Netflix started making originals. The service was available in a few countries then. Today, Netflix shows, films, and specials span genres and cultures. Members worldwide watch them in English, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, and more.

According to a report by Fast Company, a Netflix spokesperson said the design took two years and was created by its in-house team with the help of an outside agency.

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