Lexus Hoverboard Is Now Alive!

YES! Lexus hoverboard is now real. Lexus made every child who was born in the 80’s dream’s come true.
Introducing the Lexus Hoverboard
The Lexus Hoverboard
Lexus Hoverboard SLIDE is the name of the 4th global campaign within the ‘ Amazing in Motion ‘ projects by Lexus to show Lexus’s other side in innovation, technology, and craftsmanship.
Lexus made a 30 years-old dream come true by creating a prototype Hoverboard as a part of their ‘Amazing in Motion.’
In 1985 when the movie ‘Back to the Future‘ was released we saw things that we might never see ever because it is just a “Movie,” we saw the (Time machine car, Time machine train & the famous ‘Hover-Board.’
Back to the Future – HUVr BoardWhen everyone saw this invention, it was a mind-blowing thing, and many tried to make this happen over the past 30 years! And guess what?
What is Amazing in Motion?
Lexus wanted to move out and show its capability outside the sphere of creating a car to CREATE AMAZING campaigns, which started with STEPS then SWARM STROBE to show Lexus’s other side when it combines technology with craftsmanship and design all in one. People were truly amazed at what is coming out of a luxurious Japanese carmaker.
More videos and images will be coming soon to show the making of and see the hoverboard in action!
Follow the Journey of Lexus Hoverboard using the hashtag #LEXUSHOVER.
Whenever we think what we see in movies is just for movies, something comes up to tell us that these ideas are not just imaginary!