builds life bridges after death

Nearly 2.6 million people dying annually in the United States, Entrepreneurs see an opportunity to innovate. A new U.S. tech-startup, MyTrustedWill, is hoping to capture and lead that sector.
MyTrustedWill, a platform allows you to keep your family and loved ones in touch with you, even after you pass away! By allowing users to pre-record phone calls, SMS, emails, videos, upload documents, make donations, and even send gifts!
The website allows users to decide, when, where and with whom their phone calls, gifts, and other digital assets will be delivered.
The founders of MyTrustedWill, Ebrahiem Shetewy and Ismail Habib, wanted to create a private and secure platform that allow users to stay in touch with their families and loved ones, even after passing away, with no third party human interaction at all and with direct delivering to the recipients’ mobile phones, landlines, emails or home addresses.
An early version of MyTrustedWill was introduced in October 2016, Users were invited to try the service, and in less than 13 days, more than 1.7k of accounts was created with more than 2.3k of confidential data and uploaded files.
MyTrustedWill includes two Artificial Intelligent (AI) systems that are designed to imitate the human capabilities of thinking and verifying, – they can auto-verify the users’ life status, and auto-confirm if they’re no longer alive by using several methods and techniques – ends with a manual human verifications!
Local Life Verifiers Network (LLVN), another significant feature that takes the verification process to another new level! The company seems to have invested in taking all the possible security measurements to ensure data privacy and encryption; the users’ data are encrypted by a military-level encryption, the same used by the United States Government.
The start-up has been self-financed until now but is now closing a seed round, said Ebrahiem Shetewy, a founder, and chief executive.
MyTrustedWill will be at RiseUp Summit in Cairo during December 9-11, 2016, Get more information about this interesting platform by visiting the company’s Website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.