Apple Shuts Down Topsy, Permanently

In case you’re trying to access and always get redirected to Apple support page, here’s the bad news:
Apple has shut down Topsy, the social research tool, which specialized in analyzing twitter data and other social media platforms. The tool delivers quantitive and qualitative analysis about any given hashtag/keyword in real-time like no other online.
Two years ago, Apple acquired Topsy for $200 million, in a move everyone didn’t figure out the reason behind. Since acquired, the tool wasn’t accepting any new paid subscriptions, but functioning all free with limited access to 30+ days historical data and some advanced insights. Yesterday, Topsy announced on twitter the last day of operations with this tweet “We’ve Searched out last tweet”.
We've searched our last tweet.
— Topsy (@Topsy) December 16, 2015
Apple didn’t release any statement to explain the sudden decision or if there’re any future plans for the social analytics tool, as well as there’re no media reports about the company’s intentions.
Topsy is one of the most efficient tools for social marketers, as it helps exploring historical data of any given hashtag/keyword, provides insights such as sentiment analysis, top influencers, tweets, posts, and videos in addition to buzz trend.