
Vodafone launches world’s largest future jobs platform to help millions of young people find work

Vodafone has a new digital skills and jobs platform that would be the largest in the globe. Similarly, the company has plans to increase the number of youth gaining employment with them, so that they can get experience of the modern digital job environment. 

Dubbed the ‘What will you be?’ project

This initiative is set to provide career direction and access to material in the online economy for millions of Youth across different countries.

The telecom giant has launched a Youth Digital online training tool, where you can discover your preferred digital career by taking a simple test to determine which digital roles match your talent and skills. Thereafter, you can view all the existing jobs in the market or alternatively find out more about online training opportunities for improving your skills. 

Users will be diverted to Youth Digital once they log into the Vodafone Egypt website, the tool provides virtual courses to help you develop your skills in order to be eligible for a career job – In addition, and you’ll get proven tips for preparing your CV and interviews. 

To access the tool click this link 👉 

To further support young people, Vodafone has partnered with career advisers, psychologists and experts to develop Future Jobs Finder, and in order to subscribe to the service, you must first undergo a set of quick psychometric tests intended to identify your specific talents and aptitude, these would then be mapped against the most suitable jobs available in the digital marketplace. 

You’ll also be referred to specific job opportunities in your preferred location, including prospects with Vodafone itself. 

Through this innovative project, Vodafone hopes to get more young people into the digital economy so as to reduce unemployment levels globally.

Statistics show that while the number of youth seeking for jobs is rising, various businesses are actually struggling to find people who can fill in digital technology positions for future growth.

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