Two years after the end of season 3 of the legendary Westworld, season 4 premiered on HBO Max Monday, June 27, 2022. Fans from the Middle...
Now that Disney+ has launched in many regions including the MENA region at competitive subscription prices, the first question comes to your mind is, “what to...
With Disney+ launching its services in the MENA region at competitive subscription fees, it’s time to answer the usual question, what to watch on Disney+? Four...
Most of us don’t know that Netflix has secret codes that allow us to find all movies and series in a classified way. You will not...
The holy month of Ramadan, the fasting season for Muslims, is one of the most sacred and spiritual 30 days of the year in the Muslim...
Fantasy is the world of mental pleasure that we all dream to run to and live in forever, Another world, another universe, another reality we wish...
Finally, it’s spring, and a new season has arrived on Netflix too. This month will be full of exceptional films and series on Netflix. Alongside new...
Watching foreign-language shows is one of the most significant social shifts created by streaming platforms such as Netflix. Years ago, we did not have the luxury...
Dazzling, extraordinary, and different are the words we will use to describe “In from the cold ” Netflix new action, crime, drama show. Aired on Netflix...
Nicole Kidman’s latest controversial series, “Nine Perfect Strangers,” sparked fierce criticism as well as good reviews among people and art critics. Nicole Kidman is one of...
February is going to be a prosperous month on Netflix. The streaming platform will air a new show based on the famous Vikings series, and a...
“The Boy Next Door,” a Jennifer Lopez movie, is a hot erotic movie to watch that could be described as deviant fun, or as Lopez describes...
The giant streaming service Disney+ is planning to expand to 42 countries and 11 new territories, including 16 markets across the Middle East and North Africa...
The end-of-the-world movies have shaped a new genre, a mix between fiction and fantasy, to portray the last day on earth. It’s an idea that has...
From Gladiator to the Professor and The Madman, the giant online streaming platform, Netflix has added more historical movies recently. Here is a list of the...
HBO Max is streaming a new retrospective documentary To celebrate the 20 years of releasing the first Harry Potter films that reunites several of the franchise’s...
This January, the giant online streaming platform Netflix is releasing a number of new original series and movies. Here’s a summary of the Netflix Originals scheduled...
The wonders of seeing the unknown have always been the lure of movies, the attraction of the paranormal scenes, the pleasure of seeing the unseen has...
January will be an excellent season for history lovers on Netflix. It will be a perfect chance to watch the old series and catch up with...
Netflix, the giant online streaming platform has revealed Emily in Paris season 2 release date, to be on Dec 22. Emily in Paris’s season 1 was...
After the huge success of Emily in Paris’s first season, Netflix has announced that the second season is coming up on December 22, 2021. Emily in...
Netflix is celebrating the end of this year by releasing a bulky bunch of movies and series in the coming December of 2021. We can hardly...
In this holiday season, it’s time to change things up and try something new to make December global holidays the best yet. A movie night would...