YouGov: 10 most positively talked about brands among Egypt millennials

Facebook is the most positively talked about brand among millennials in Egypt, ahead of Pepsi and the National Bank of Egypt according to brand new data from YouGov BrandIndex.

YouGov’s daily brand tracking tool, BrandIndex, considered the opinions of respondents in Egypt aged between 18 and 34, collected online over the past year, to discover the 10 brands they’ve talked about most positively with friends and family, whether in person, online or through social media.

Among a tech savvy generation there’s no surprise to see Facebook creating a high volume of chatter in first place, along with the likes of iPhone and Samsung in fifth and seventh place respectively, while telecoms heavyweight Vodafone sits in tenth.

However, food and beverage, banking and fast food brands are also demonstrating they have what it takes to go viral among this age group.  Pepsi and Chipsy lead the food and beverage market in second and sixth place respectively. Meanwhile global fast food chains KFC and McDonald’s are resonating well in fourth and eighth. Also creating hype are the National Bank of Egypt in third place and Bank Misr in ninth.

1.       Facebook

2.       Pepsi

3.       National Bank of Egypt

4.       KFC

5.       iPhone

6.       Chipsy

7.       Samsung Galaxy

8.       McDonald’s

9.       Bank Misr

10.   Vodafone

YouGov used the Buzz and WOM (Word of Mouth) scores in BrandIndex to create the rankings. Buzz asks respondents,”Have you heard anything positive about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news, or word of mouth?” WOM asks respondents “Which of the following brands have you talked about with friends and family in the past two weeks (whether in person, online, or through social media)?”

Scott Booth, Head of YouGov BrandIndex in MENA commented: “Creating positive word of mouth exposure among an age group who are highly tuned into a labyrinth of digital marketing messaging, is no mean feat. These rankings highlight the brands that have the best strategic mix to create a viral impact among millennials, and thus those that are most likely to build a meaningful and rewarding relationship with them in the future.  In a crowded landscape, it is encouraging to see not only global giants like Facebook, Pepsi and KFC, but also more local brands like National Bank of Egypt, Bank Misr and Chipsy getting their channel and messaging mix right for this generation.”

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