‘The Mandalorian’ finale proved the series really is that good

“The Mandalorian” season 1 finale is out and, boy, does it give viewers of the Disney+ series something to saber until it returns.
Whether you’ve consumed “Star Wars” content and lore since childhood or only started watching “The Mandalorian” because you didn’t have it in you to resist the cutie pie powers of “Baby Yoda,” the series has been one heck of a satisfying ride. The proof is in the heart-pounding season finale.
The penultimate episode left The Child in the hands of enemies, but luckily, the finale didn’t waste too much time getting The Child back into the hands of its Mando-dad. (A short but memorable scene during The Child’s brief captivity was anchored by the voices of Jason Sudeikis and Adam Pally, who played two bickering scout troopers. May they rest in pieces after daring to lay hands on our green bundle of love.)
— Shirley Li (@shirklesxp) December 27, 2019
The episode’s true success was that it had treats for longtime fans of the series but stood alone as a satisfying season capper for those who found their first connection to the “Star Wars” universe through the show.
For example, the episode revealed the Mandalorian’s face, his real name (Din Djarin) and his heartbreaking backstory. He was orphaned after his parents were killed during a droid attack and saved/adopted by the Mandalorians. These were all satisfying answers to questions that have built over eight episodes and illuminated the enigmatic character.
The episode featured The Child’s coolest save-from-possible-death yet and officially declared — via a great piece of dialogue by the Armorer — The Child and Mando to be “a clan of two.” (Insert heartbreak and crying emoji here.)
The Taika Waititi-directed episode saved a big internet-exploding moment for last, revealing that Mof Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) possesses The Darksaber.
Waititi was the MVP of episode 8.
Besides ace directing, his character, IG-11, met its demise in the episode à la the grandmother from “Dante’s Peak,” walking into lava and sacrificing himself to save others.
The season ended with the Mandalorian setting off in his ship to reunite The Child with its people, while leaving Mof Gideon alive as a threat.
On Friday, Jon Favreau ,the show’s creator, announced Season 2 will debut in fall 2020. Meanwhile, “Mandalorian” merchandise — which wasn’t available for Christmas — is expected to arrive in earnest sometime in the spring.