
EgyptAir fatal mistake on Instagram, how they dealt with it

Update: EgyptAir contacted us on Instagram to clarify the situation – details are at the end of the article. 

Actually, we’ve been shocked with what we’ve seen, and the shock was doubled when we discovered the date of the mistake, it was five months ago and no one has noticed it from the airlines giant team to remove or correct!

Egypt Air posted a photo on Instagram trying to indicate their NPS “Net promoter score” online, and indeed that wasn’t the problem.

They published the message in both languages English & Arabic, the Arabic sentence was correct, however the English one was totally wrong and even google translate doesn’t make such mistakes so why didn’t they use it?

Egyptair’s translation mistake on Instagram

Egyptair’s translation mistake on Instagram

Google translate itself didn’t make the same mistake

Egyptair’s translation mistake on Instagram VS Google Translate

A strategic corporation, represents Egypt and Egyptians

The above case leads us to a national crisis soon, let’s admit it; Egypt-Air has an unqualified online team, whom are still learning and making mistakes, not only, vital mistake! When it’s time to appeal civilized and professional to the world.

The airlines company doesn’t represent itself only, it represents Egypt in the most sarcastic environment “online”, if they do not have capabilities to handle their social media presences, please change your brand name to something else but Egypt, or hire a professional agency.

Update: account on Instagram has sent us a clarification about the situation as below:

EgyptAir clarification in response to irrelevant content case on Instagram

In fact, it’s a good step to reply quickly to our article but still the situation is sophisticated because Egypt-Air have 2 Instagram accounts now.

What we strongly recommend in this situation is to

  • Remove any unprofessional content
  • Create more quality content
  • Engage their +1071 followers with activities

And then they will have a great opportunity to be Egypt’s number one brand on Instagram

We would like to thank them for the quick reply once again, and glad that we’ve been able to make an impact in few hours.

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  1. Actually they replied with wrong information, the link to the Instagram account on their we page leads to the egyptair account not flyegyptair one, how would a fan go and update that link? Or is the egyptair site that easy to hack?
    I just replied to the message as well!

    1. It’s not like that. They said that they already have an account called @FlyEgyptAir however they wanted it to be @Egyptair but a fan already claimed it before them (that happens on social networks normally, because anyone can)
      They continued that they contacted the fan and been able to settle the situation and get the account to be the official one.

      No hacking in the situation man