AdvertisingHow To

How to create your first Instagram advert?

You must have heard the news about Instagram ads launch, but how to create your first Instagram advert?
Facebook is still rolling out access to advert accounts, check the following steps, and you will know from the first step if your account has got instagram ads or not.
Before going through the process, you need to link you Instagram account to your Facebook page.

1- Go to Power Editor

Instagram ads cannot be run through the normal ads manager, you have to use power editor via normal account or business manager.
Create new campaign to have the following view, then set the objective to Clicks to Website + Auctions for buying type.
If you didn’t see the alert message that Instagram ads are now available, you probably don’t have access still, but you can follow the steps in case.

2- Select Instagram Placement

Navigate to advert set from the left menu, scroll down to ad placement, check if Instagram placement is included.
If not included, don’t panic, you can wait for awhile then refresh your power editor account by downloading your ad account again to power editor, then re-do the process.
Set your budget, audience, optimization & pricing and select the needed placements.

3- Add Your Creative Image

Navigate to advert from the left menu, select the Facebook page & Instagram account you want to advertise for. Choose if you want it a single image or multiple images.
Instagram creative image dimensions: 600 x 350
Set ad specifications, url, headline, description, creative image, etc..
Upload your changes to power editor and you’re now live on Instagram.

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