
Mobinil promotes wrong date for Barcelona, Atletico Madrid match

Egypt’s first telecom company, Mobinil, has promoted the wrong date for Barcelona vs. Atletico Madrid match. The company announced that the game would take place today, but the game was last night.

Later, Mobinil removed the post from Facebook after receiving many negative comments from their fans.

Read more: Etisalat and Mobinil Visuals Issue on Social Media


  • Verify your content before going online
  • Making the same mistake causes missing credibility in the future, so people will try to make sure of what you are sharing with them
  • Don’t share unless you’re controlling the scene 100%
  • Watch your post in the first 10 minutes to know people’s direction and work on fixing any problems before the situation goes out of control
  • Your fans are your friends, so keep that in mind
  • Say “Sorry” when you’re wrong. People will appreciate that more than removing things and acting like nothing happened.

Finally, mistakenly sharing incorrect information with your fans may end up losing fans’ trust in your brand. “A brand without trust is just a product; the difference between the two is trust,” said Keith Weed, CMO at Unilever.

See more: Orange replaces Mobinil as rebranding hits final stages.

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