
Pepsi’s Witty Halloween Joke and Coca-Cola’s Clever Comeback

Pepsi and Coca-Cola’s rivalry escalates with a sharp Pepsi Halloween ad, countered by Coca-Cola’s striking viral reply, both catching fire on 9GAG.

Pepsi launched the first volley, masquerading as Coca-Cola to declare, “We wish you a scary Halloween.” However, a thorough search of Pepsi’s global channels revealed no official release; the ad emerged from the creativity of users.

Coca-Cola’s retort was swift and witty, proclaiming, “Everyone wants to be a hero!” This clever comeback, too, wasn’t the work of Coca-Cola’s official platforms.

Pepsi Halloween AdvertĀ  “We wish you a scary Halloween” (Unofficial)

Funny Pepsi Halloween Ad, Coca Cola Responds Beautifully
Pepsi: We wish you a scary Halloween!

Coca-Cola’s Response “Everyone wants to be a hero” (Unofficial)

Funny Pepsi Halloween Ad, Coca Cola Responds Beautifully
Pepsi & Coca-Cola Halloween advertising war