
Breaking News website, app are shutting down

Breaking News website and mobile app will stop providing updates and alerts on Dec. 31.

The parent company, NBC News, has decided to shut down the Breaking News service at the end of the year. and the Breaking News app – The Breaking News Team announced today on a blog post

“Now that NBC has announced that Breaking News is shutting down on Dec. 31, our team is looking for work. I’ve listed everyone, but first a little background.” Cory Bergman, GM of Breaking News said in a blog post

The Breaking News service was launched six years ago, it aggregates headlines from different authentic sources and pushes it via mobile notifications and on web – Providing alerts and updates on whatever happens across the globe from major stories, big news near you, emerging stories and more, you can also follow topics and get alerts 15 minutes before anyone else.

The app also allows you to report news from your location, such as accident, fire, earthquake, evacuation or lockdown, flooding, hazard, loud boom, major delay, police activity, power outage, protest, severe weather, storm damage or any other unlisted news, and one of the editorial team on duty will verify the news and send a push notification to all users.