Case Studies

Etisalat digital team ruins the brand in Egypt

Over five years of operations on social networks, Etisalat’s digital team in Egypt is ranked the worst in class because of their destructive quality content, tone of voice, undefined strategy, and other concerns on used tactics.

Regardless of the target audiences, no justification can be accepted; it’s well known that Etisalat in Egypt is targeting class C and below, but online, it’s not all about marketing; it’s your brand image – Etisalat can attract their target audiences professionally without affecting their brand negatively.

Etisalat Misr

One question to the Etisalat digital team is what exactly do you want to achieve? You’re one of the firsts in Egypt to be online and had great opportunities to invade the market, especially online, but you have wasted all chances; you have the worst engagement rate among other operators, and you come 3rd after Vodafone & Mobinil in terms of the number of fans, and you have a terrible image online.

It will be aggressive to shorthand the whole story in two posts, but these are two clear examples of wrong choices online.

Two examples of Etisalat digital team’s wrong choices:

  1. Asking a trivial question, for which brand does Mcdonald’s logo belong!
  2. Sharing personal news about engagement relationships, which is irrelevant and too personal to be shared on a brand page

Etisalat online team posts on Facebook learnings:

  1. Respect your customers’ minds, they’re not stupid, and there’s always a way to be competent in presenting your stuff
  2. It’s good to be social &friendly, but you need to consider your brand name and always make scenarios in your head before sharing new stuff.

Whatever the Etisalat Online team thinks, please use your common sense and consider customers’ reactions before going online because it’s your brand name.

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