Egypt experiences snow for the first time in a century

winter in Egypt, Snow in Egypt 2013, weather in Egypt, Egypt Weather, Cairo Weather
Snow in New Cairo

Egypt was struck by a snowstorm for the first time in 122 years, bringing snow to Cairo and astonishing residents. Egyptians flooded social media with images of snow-blanketed locales.

The phenomenon topped global news, sparking political humor, amusing quotes, and comics. Major outlets like Mashable, Examiner, and Huffington Post featured the snow in Egypt. Brands also leveraged the event for customer engagement, while calls emerged to aid the homeless in the cold weather.

We’ve sifted through social media, and here’s a glimpse into the sentiment of Egyptians

Snow topic buzz onlineinternational coverage to snow in Egypt news

Trendsmap reveals the Arabic phrase for ‘Snow in Egypt’ is the top trending topic in both the Middle East and the US.

Trnedsmap shows snow in Egypt buzz trend worldwide

Snow in Egypt photos flooded social media
snow in egypt photos 1

snow in egypt photosFirst-Ever Egyptian Snowman

Snowman in Egypt

Funny Tweets

snow in egypt tweets, twitter

Extended to Facebook

snow in Egypt facebook posts

Egyptians are mocking of Elissa

Brands capitalized on the ‘snow in Egypt’ news

Brands who capitalized on the news

Seeing snow in Egypt is remarkable, but it’s vital to extend support to the homeless in this weather.
snow in egypt sad tweet