Lipton lifts Egypt’s mood with new integrated campaign

Lipton Egypt, Lipton Campaign, Lipton Mood, Lipton Do Good, How Lipton lifted Egypt’s mood, lipton Egypt, Lipton el 7ad el awlany
Image: Lipton video

Engaging more than 9 million consumers in a challenge that aims at spreading positivity, Lipton hopes to create a ripple effect that lifts Egyptians’ moods with more than just a simple cup of tea.

The tea label capitalized on the success of its original TVC and took to social media to persuade fans to join its positivity challenge by doing something good, sharing it with Lipton, tagging their friends, and convincing others to follow suit.


Around 100 best stories got printed on the tea bags’ labels. “I got my friend the book she loves,” reads one label which carries the quote as well as the consumer’s photo and name.

Around 100 best stories got printed on the tea bags’ labels

Lipton’s 4 Steps to Positivity

1. Do Good

“When we do something good, we make a difference even if it’s a small one in someone’s day, which lifts their mood and makes them want to do something good for another person who will also do more good,” says Lipton in its ad description.

2. Share it

A special website created for the campaign, “Lipton Do Good”, displays several videos that depict acts of kindness, which range from sharing a cup of tea with a stranger to helping an old person cross the street. Visitors are asked to select the video that best resembles their good deed, and write a short description of what they’ve done.

3. Get everyone involved

More than 3,500 users and fans shared the good, including influencers such as Nourhan Abubakr, and popular Egyptian websites such as ElCinema, Kora11, Yawmek, and Zedified.

4. Spread the word

Lipton designs a GIF for each personal story and asks users to share it on social media tagging two friends using the hashtag #الحد_الأولاني (the first one).

Campaign Exposure

The campaign received positive exposure from news and entertainment website like Scoop Empire,, Yawmek, Fustany, Cairo360, Raseef5, elCinema, What Women Want, Kora11, 3ayez Akol, Masrawy, Yallakora, and Cairo Gossip.

Have a positive story to share? Tell us about it!

(Editing by Yasmine Madkour and Sara El-Khalili)