What makes branded content go viral?

Producing content that goes viral and creates waves of buzz on social media is every marketer’s dream. Everyday countless blog posts, infographics, videos, memes and other types of content are produced and published by brands, most of which we don’t see.
The only pieces of content we get to see, is what have gone “viral”, So what makes branded content go viral?
As part of our pursuit to help brands understand consumer behavior online in MENA, and what drives them to share branded content, we have launched a survey using Twitter polls, to examine the main reason that triggers users to share branded content. The survey, aimed at MENA consumers, was conducted in Arabic and is answered by 205 respondents from different countries across MENA.
دراسة حول أهم أسباب انتشار المحتوى. ما هو ألسبب الذي يحفزك كمستهلك على مشاركة المحتوى الذي تنتجه العلامات التجارية؟
— Farah Souhail (@Farah_Souhail) February 10, 2016
Inspirational content is most popular
According to the survey, 46% of respondents say inspirational content is their motivation for sharing content produced by brands. Informative branded content is preferred by 38% of the respondents.
Surprisingly however, entertaining content came third with 18%. While only 4% would share branded content if it was promotional.