
Shezlong offers free psychotherapy sessions for cathedral attack victims

Shezlong the pioneering startup launched yesterday a Nobel campaign that shows a sense of responsibility and support towards the Egyptian community. The Egyptian mental health platform is offering free psychotherapy sessions to all sufferers and victims of the tragic and inhumane Coptic cathedral attack, which killed at least 25 people and injured 49.

The health-tech startup conveyed its condolences through its social media accounts to all Coptic cathedral attack’s victims and their families while announcing, “Shezlong is offering free psychotherapy sessions for cathedral attack victims by using “ShezlongSupport” promo code”

In an interview with Ahmed Abu El Haz, the founder and CEO of Shezlong he stated, “Shezlong is a mental health counseling platform with a mission to support people who suffer from pain, while ensuring their privacy. Thus, we see this campaign as an integral part of our role and mission to support people who are suffering especially from this tragic and inhumane Coptic Cathedral attack.”

We are super happy to see more digital startups taking action and responsibility to support the Egyptian community especially in the current tough times.