Why did these posts got over 2 million comments on Facebook?
Everyday we see like, comment, share, click baiting posts on Facebook, which announced several times before that they’re taking such like click-baiting posts down and reducing its reachability. However, we’re still seeing some of them regularly.
Two photos that spread like fire across Facebook with no reason whatsoever, and broke the action baiting
Here are the photos, we don’t hold any responsibility for you to be angry from Arabs over this.
An image with an animated goalkeeper, asking people just to type 5 if they want to see the ball goes in inside the goal. The image got more than 347K comments on Facebook.
We don’t know why would 300,000+ people would write the comment “5”, do they really believe that something will happen if they wrote a comment on a jpg photo?
An image showing a cat over a hot girl’s boobs, asking people to comment with number “2” and the cat will disappear. Really? Over than 2.4M people commented on the photo with “2” to take the cat off the girl’s Boobs! Again, do people really believe that a jpg could be changed with a comment on Facebook?
The photo was removed by the owner after it got 831,000 likes, 2.4 million comments, 27,000 shares.
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