Careem Managing Director Wael Fakharany Says He Was Fired

Wael Fakharany, a leading business figure in the Middle East and North Africa, tweeted Monday that he was fired from Careem Egypt in a surprising and humiliating way.
لم استقيل من كريم و لكن تم طردى من الشركة بطريقه مهينه و مفاجئه. يعلم اللة مدي المجهود اللي عملته. انا مقهور و لكن متأكد أن حقي هيرجعلي !
— Wael Fakharany (@mowael) March 13, 2017
Fakharany joined Careem as a Managing Director Egypt and had been employed for only six months, coming from the giant internet company Google, which he quitted to fulfill his passion for entrepreneurship.
The company commented on Fakharany’s dismissal in a press release on Sunday that “There are times when a great mind in a great role at a great business does not necessarily make a great fit”.
Fakharany’s tweet sparked a social media storm against the company, activating a campaign hashed #DeleteCareem.
احنا شوفنا careem علشان وائل فيها— Ahmed El-hosary (@iAhmedhosary) March 13, 2017
— Shereif Hawary (@shereifHawary) March 13, 2017
With all the #deleteuber and #deletecareem campaigns, I’m starting #MakeTaxiAbyadGreatAgain 💪
— Salem Sayed 🔻 (@salemsayed) March 13, 2017