
Watch The Best Car Singing Video on Women’s Day

#WomensDay It is 2015’s International Women’s Day. Happy Women’s Day girls.
These three ladies “Sketch She’s” have portrayed a lovely scene by shooting this amazing car singing video to Bohemian ‘Carsody’. The video wasSketch She’s Car Singing Video – RockStars uploaded on both YouTube and Facebook on 4th of March, however it went viral on Facebook more than YouTube to get 3 million views on Facebook Vs 500K only on Youtube. To be another Facebook Video Digital Boom in a week!
We think that it’s a good opportunity to share this video on Women’s Day, as it proves that women can #MakeitHappen on Digital with the most viral videos. Check the first 70 Million views video in 3 days on Facebook. 

Watch The Best Car Singing Video on Women’s Day

Watch More Videos For The “Sketch She’s” on The International Women’s Day

Let us know if you think that Facebook videos will oust YouTube videos in 2015 or not, and why?

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