Why Access Management Matters In This Day and Age
Access management can be accurately described as a holistic way of managing a secure interaction within a specified system. By managing, I simply mean controlling, identifying, tracking as well as allowing access to authorized individuals. Those who aren’t authorized will automatically be shut out of the system for security reasons. Normally, Access Management (AM) is usually coupled with identity access management (IAM).
With identity access management, the security of the system is intensified in that it can now control different groups, roles, users, roles and so on. The latter therefore compliments access management which only caters for policies and roles. Feel free to check out One Identity for more information about access management and its importance. Here are the top five benefits associated with access management:
Reporting and auditing is made easier
Thanks to the fact that the login information can be stored in the system, it becomes a lot easier for auditing as well as reporting. This feature not only allows for the IT department to know exactly where an employee has signed in from but can also pinpoint the exact location of the area where a hacker is.
That’s in case an employee has the misfortune of having their credentials compromised. The IT people can also know the data that was compromised and therefore come up with the perfect solution to the breach. Running analytical reports has also been made easier thanks to access management apps.
User experience is definitely better
Let’s just be honest for a second. Writing passwords over and over again can be one hectic state of affairs, let alone remembering them. Thankfully, access management makes logins much easier by eliminating the whole nightmare. This is usually achieved by the system remembering your email and password.
Therefore, every single time you may want to get into the system, all you need to do is press enter and you’ll be good to go. The same goes when you have different passwords for different areas of the system. All you’ll need is to go to the area which you want to enter and click in.
Ensures more secure profiles
Just because the digital world keeps developing, such as Snapchat with a new snap kit, it is very important that businesses take access management with a grain of salt. Why is that? Because with every stride technology takes, so does the threats that come with it. But with good access management in place, you won’t have to worry about unauthorized access to your system.
Access management tools increase the level of productivity
Since access management allows your employers to gain secure access from any part of the world, it will become a tad easier for them to work even during their downtime. And when this happens, always expect the level of productivity to increase which is also a dream come true for most business owners.
Your IT costs will dramatically be reduced
With reliable access management installed in your system, you’ll find that most of the things, such as an internal help desk, will be eliminated. You can also have the system do analytics as well as extensive audit trails without having to rely on an IT technician who, you’ve guessed it, will want money for their services.
When all is said and done, access management is meant to improve the general efficiency in one particular system. It is, therefore, an incredible idea for you to not only have one on your system but also make sure that it is from a reliable provider. Having a good system can also come with additional features.
And the latter alone will ensure different users have different levels of access to the system, depending on their level on your organization. Besides making everything else easy within your organization, you’ll also stay easy knowing that your data is always secure from hackers. This is very good news, to say the least.
Once again, it is very important for you to think hard about incorporating access management in your business if you haven’t already. Also as mentioned above, having good access management in place will lower your IT expenditure which will, in turn, save your business a ton of money in both the short and the long run.